java学习免费课程_这些是帮助您学习Java 8和Java 9的最佳免费课程
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by javinpaul


这些是帮助您学习Java 8和Java 9的最佳免费课程 (These are the best free courses to help you learn Java 8 and Java 9)

After the introduction of the six-month release cycle on Java 10, it’s very difficult to keep up with the latest changes in every Java version. But If you’re looking for some free resources on Java, such as books, tutorials, and other learning materials, then you have come to the right place.

在Java 10上六个月的发布周期引入之后,很难跟上每个Java版本的最新变化。 但是,如果您正在寻找Java方面的免费资源,例如书籍,教程和其他学习资料,那么您来对地方了。

There are so many resources available to master the features that were introduced in and .


In the past, I have shared some of the and . In this article, I am going to share some of the best and free Java 8 and Java 9 courses from and .

过去,我分享了一些和 。 在本文中,我将分享一些来自和的最佳和免费的Java 8和Java 9课程。

These courses are pretty similar to any paid course you might normally buy and many of these are made free for a promotional or educational purpose. You can join these courses to learn JDK 8 and JDK 9 features in just a couple of days.

这些课程与您通常可以购买的任何付费课程非常相似,并且其中许多是免费的,用于促销或教育目的。 您可以在短短几天内加入这些课程来学习JDK 8和JDK 9功能。

I used to begin learning new programming features with books, but, nowadays, online courses are my preferred method of learning. There are so many good free courses available.

我曾经从书本上开始学习新的编程功能,但是如今,在线课程是我的首选学习方法。 有这么多好的免费课程。

Though, sometimes, I have noticed that free courses turn into paid courses, especially after the instructor reaches their promotional targets, hence you should check the price before you join these courses.


A good idea is to join the courses now, while they are free. Once you are enrolled in the course, you will have free, unlimited access, even after it is turned into a paid course. This means that you can learn whenever you want.

一个好主意是现在免费加入这些课程。 一旦您注册了该课程,即使该课程已变成付费课程,您也可以免费,无限制地访问。 这意味着您可以随时随地学习。

Even if you are not learning now, you can learn more when you have some free time or your priorities change — there is no harm in enrolling.


为什么要学习Java 8和Java 9? (Why should you Learn Java 8 and Java 9?)

If you are wondering about the benefit of learning the features of Java 8 and Java 9, then, let me tell you. If you want to be relevant as a Java developer in today’s job market, you should learn Java 8 now.

如果您想了解学习Java 8和Java 9的功能的好处,那么让我告诉您。 如果您想成为当今工作市场中的Java开发人员,请立即学习Java 8。

I have mentioned previously in my post , and I am saying it again: learn Java 8 sooner rather than later.

我之前曾在我的文章《 提到过,我再说一遍:尽早学习Java 8。

It’s been more than four years since Java 8 was first released, and it was received very well by the Java community. It had several interesting features and language enhancements, like , for bulk operations, for better handling of dates, and Static methods on the interface, , and many more.

自从Java 8首次发布至今已有四年多了,它受到Java社区的好评。 它具有一些有趣的功能和语言增强功能,例如 ,用于批量操作的 ,用于更好地处理日期的 ,界面上的和Static方法, 等。

Nowadays, more and more companies are adopting the Java 8 style of coding. If you don’t know write code in Java 8 style, such as using and concepts, you may be left behind.

如今,越来越多的公司采用Java 8风格的编码。 如果您不知道以Java 8风格编写代码(例如使用和概念),那么您可能会落伍。

Not only is Java 8 essential to being relevant in the Java community, but it also improves your productivity and makes writing Java code fun, once you know the basics. That’s where these courses can help!

一旦知道了基础知识,Java 8不仅对于与Java社区相关联至关重要,而且还可以提高您的生产率并使Java代码的编写变得有趣。 这就是这些课程可以提供帮助的地方!

Coming to Java 9, it didn’t have the spark of Java 8. But it was still packed with some , like modules and some API enchantments. Knowing those features will, eventually, help you write better Java code and create a better application in Java.

来到Java 9时,它没有Java 8的火花。但是它仍然带有一些 ,例如模块和一些API附魔。 最终,了解这些功能将有助于您编写更好的Java代码并使用Java创建更好的应用程序。

学习Java 8和Java 9的课程 (Courses to Learn Java 8 and Java 9)

Here is my list of the free online courses to learn Java 8 and Java 9. This list includes courses that are suitable for beginners as well as experienced Java programmers who are not familiar with the and .

这是我学习Java 8和Java 9的免费在线课程的列表。此列表包括适合不熟悉和初学者和有经验的Java程序员的课程。

You don’t need to attend all the courses. You can watch a preview and make a decision on whether to join or not. At the bare minimum, you can join one course on Java 8 and another on Java 9 to get yourself up to speed.

您不需要参加所有课程。 您可以观看预览并决定是否加入。 至少,您可以参加Java 8上的一门课程,以及Java 9上的另一门课程,以提高自己的学习速度。

And, since these courses are absolutely free, you have nothing to lose by joining them.


250步完整的初学者Java 9编程 (Java 9 Programming for Complete Beginners in 250 Steps)

This is an excellent Java , especially those who are starting it for the first time. This course covers the latest version of Java, or Java 9.

,尤其是初次接触 ,这是一门极好的Java 。 本课程涵盖Java或Java 9的最新版本。

If you want to learn Java from scratch, you can join this course. You will not only learn new features of Java 8 and Java 9, such as functional programming, lambdas, and streams, but also other important concepts of Java.

如果您想从头开始学习Java,则可以参加本课程。 您不仅将学习Java 8和Java 9的新功能,例如函数式编程,lambda和流,而且还将学习Java的其他重要概念。

You need to act fast to get this course for free because I am sure instructor Ranga Karanam will make this course paid very soon, once he reaches his promotional target with more than 31K students that have already joined.

您需要Swift采取行动,以免费获得该课程,因为我敢肯定,一旦Ranga Karanam的培训目标达到了3.1万名以上的学生,他将很快支付这门课程的费用。

Anyway, I personally like Ranga’s teaching style and the way he presents concepts, like JShell and Spring concepts in his . You will learn a lot in a short period of time — there is no doubt about it.

无论如何,我个人喜欢Ranga的教学风格以及他在呈现概念的方式,例如JShell和Spring概念。 您将在短时间内学到很多东西–毫无疑问。

Java 8:初学者基础 (Java 8: Basics for Beginners)

This is a very for learning some key features of Java 8, including lambda expressions, method references, , , , and class.

这是一门非常用于学习Java 8的一些关键功能,包括lambda表达式,方法引用, , , 和类。

You will not only learn those, but you will also learn the new Date and Time API and other less popular but useful changes.

您不仅将学习这些内容,还将学习新的Date and Time API和其他较不流行但有用的更改。

Even though this course doesn’t provide a comprehensive overview, you can check this out for a quick overview, especially if you are in rush and don’t have much time to spend on self-learning.


Java 8的新增功能? (What’s New in Java 8?)

This is a more comprehensive on Java 8, and it covers almost all the features you need to know.

这是一有关Java 8的更全面的 ,它涵盖了几乎所有您需要了解的功能。

The author, Jose Paumard, has 20 years of experience in computer programming and that shows in this course. You will learn about how l and makes coding in Java fun again.

作者Jose Paumard在计算机编程方面有20年的经验,并且在本课程中可以看到。 您将了解和如何使Java编码再次变得有趣。

It not only covers major features, such as Date and Time API, but it also covers small API enhancements, like and the method in the String class for joining Strings in Java 8.

它不仅涵盖了主要功能,例如日期和时间API,而且还涵盖了一些小的API增强功能,例如 以及String类中的方法,用于在Java 8中连接字符串。

You will also learn about and JavaScripting using the engine. Overall, this is a great course to learn Java 8, but the course, unfortunately, is not exactly free.

您还将学习使用引擎的和JavaScripting。 总体而言,这是学习Java 8的绝妙课程,但是不幸的是,该课程并非完全免费。

It’s from Pluralsight, and you need a membership to get access to the course. The only way you can get access for free is by signing up for a , which is not bad.

它来自Pluralsight,您需要拥有成员身份才能访问该课程。 免费获得访问权的唯一方法是注册 ,这还不错。

There is also a good chance that your company might have a Corporate Pluralsight license, and then you can get this course for free on your company account.

您的公司很有可能获得Corporate Pluralsight许可证,然后您可以在公司帐户上免费获得此课程。

Java 9的新增功能 (What’s New in Java 9?)

This is an awesome course to learn . In this course, Sander Mak, author of the popular book Java 9 Modularity, has explained some important Java 9 changes.

这是学习的很棒的课程。 在本课程中,流行书籍《 Java 9 Modularity》的作者Sander Mak解释了Java 9的一些重要更改。

The course is divided into 6 sections. The first section covers Java modularity, and since the instructor is also the author of the book , you can expect this to be the most comprehensive coverage you can get.

该课程分为6个部分。 第一部分介绍Java模块化,并且由于讲师也是一书的作者,因此您可以期望它是您可以获得的最全面的介绍。

The second section focuses on a more interesting and interactive change from Java 9 — JShell. You will learn about REPL and how to use JShell.

第二部分重点介绍Java 9(JShell)的更有趣且更具交互性的更改。 您将学习REPL以及如何使用JShell。

The third section focuses on small language and library improvements, such as changes in , , , and other improvements. This is the section you will love because you will be using these changes in your day to day life.

第三部分着重于对小型语言和库的改进,例如更改, , 以及其他改进。 这是您会喜欢的部分,因为您将在日常生活中使用这些更改。

The fourth section focuses on HTTP/2 and Process API changes, while the fifth section focuses on Desktop Java Enhancements, like JavaFX updates.

第四部分重点介绍HTTP / 2和Process API的更改,而第五部分重点介绍桌面Java增强功能,例如JavaFX更新。

The sixth and last section focuses on performance and security enhancements. It explains G1 Garbage Collection changes and the compact String feature introduced in Java 9.

第六部分也是最后一部分将重点介绍性能和安全性增强。 它解释了G1垃圾收集的更改以及Java 9中引入的紧凑型String功能。

As with any other Pluralsight course, you need a membership to join this course, either a monthly or annual membership. Though membership doesn’t cost much ($35 per month to access their 5000+ courses), you can still get this and the Java 8 course for free by signing up for a which is more than enough time to complete these courses.

与任何其他Pluralsight课程一样,您需要有会员资格才能加入此课程,无论是每月会员还是每年会员。 尽管会员费用不高(每月花费$ 35即可访问其5000多个课程),您仍然可以通过注册期免费获得此课程和Java 8课程,这是足够的时间来完成这些课程培训班。

That’s all for now about some of the best, free courses to learn new features of Java 8 and Java 9. I strongly encouraged you to take at least one Java 8 and one Java 9 course to get yourself familiar with new features, particularly the JDK 8 features like lambda expressions, Stream API, Collectors, Optional, and new Date and time API.

到目前为止,这些都是关于一些最佳,免费的课程,这些课程旨在学习Java 8和Java 9的新功能。我强烈建议您至少学习一门Java 8和一门Java 9课程,以熟悉新功能,尤其是JDK 8个功能,例如lambda表达式,Stream API,Collector,Optional和新的Date and time API。

Other Free Programming resources you may like:


Thanks for reading this article. If you find these free Java 8 and Java 9 courses useful, then please share with your friends and colleagues.

感谢您阅读本文。 如果您发现这些免费的Java 8和Java 9课程非常有用,请与您的朋友和同事分享。

P.S. — You might know that Java 11 has just launched and there is a lot of talk about whether it’s FREE or not if you want to learn more and what’s new in Java 11 then don’t forget to check out Sander Mak’s course on . Thanks to Mak, it’s #FREE for one week.

PS —您可能知道Java 11刚刚发布,如果您想了解更多信息以及Java 11的新功能,那么有很多关于它是否免费的话题,那么请别忘了查看Sander Mak的有关 课程。 多亏了麦,这是#FREE的一周。




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